Your 2025 Gardening Year

starts with joining or renewing your membership of the Pudsey Allotments and Cottage Gardeners Association

2025 Membership fees now due

Membership Renewals and New Members:


In the UK, an estimated 27 million people enjoy gardening as a hobby. Not all of them have the opportunity to join the PACGA, but you do!


It’s time to renew your membership or join us and take advantage of all the benefits you get from being a member. 


The membership fee for 2025 remains unchanged at only £3 for the year.


You can renew your membership or join us when you come to the Pudsey Gardeners' Shop, or at any of our events, or you can do it online here.


The Society does depend on its membership and it will save you ££££s! We are a great community group, with over 100 years of service to the gardening community. And, to dispel any myths, you don't have to have an allotment to join us! We welcome any gardener, from those with acres to those with a few pots on a balcony; from those with green fingers; to those who haven't a clue. The more the merrier! Only £3 for the year which runs from February to October.


Here's an outline of the year ahead:


The Pudsey Gardeners Shop (aka The Hut) opens on:

  • Friday evenings from 7th March, 4.30pm to 6.30pm, until end of June (except Show and Plant Sale weekends)
  • Saturday mornings from 15 February, 10am to 12 noon, until the end of October (except Show and Plant Sale weekends)


The Spring Show - Saturday 29 March Pudsey Parish Church:

New classes to enter as well as the usual flowers, veg, home produce. handicrafts, photography, floral art, cactus etc, with a special section for children. There will be plant stalls, tombola and a free flower workshop for children. If you're not sure how to 'stage' your exhibits, lots of help and friendly advice is available beforehand at The Hut and on the day at the Shows.


Pudsey Famous Plant Sale - Saturday 10 May, Pudsey Gardeners' Shop

Legendary plant sale, bargains on home-grown delights, bedding, perennials, veg, fruit, shrubs, specialist cactus and succulents. Great atmosphere, amazing home made cakes, hot drinks, raffle, friendly chat and advice. 


Pudsey Summer Show - Saturday 6 September, Pudsey Parish Church

The highlight of our calendar. We are now into our second century, so you can tell how good we are at it, and what a great, popular event it is! Reserve the date in your diary now.


Please consider volunteering!


We need more volunteers and, if you could give us any help at all it would be greatly appreciated. We need people to work in the Hut, to help with propagating and looking after our plants, with the lifting and carrying at the setting up and shutting down of our Shows etc.  Even a few hours would make all the difference.  Have a chat with us when you next visit. We are also happy to accept donations, particularly of plants that we can propagate and grow, gardening sundries, and tombola prizes.

It will be another great year with your support. We hope to see you very soon, and please don’t forget to encourage others to join us too.